Customs Training

Customs training awareness courses. An overview of customs issues and are useful for both those who need to gain a broad knowledge of the customs and global trade compliance environment and for those new to the area of import & export.

Specialist customs training courses.  A more in-depth examination of specific areas of customs duties and trade facilitation issues. The courses look at the relevant laws, current customs practices, new developments and future considerations. Attendees will be able to identify planning ideas to exploit duty saving opportunities.

Bespoke customs training courses. Courses can be designed specifically to address your particular needs and business environment. In designing the course we will take into consideration the present and future aspects of your company, the marketplace and any new developments.

We hold customs training courses in purpose-built lecture and syndicate rooms. Alternatively, if you require, the customs training course can be held at a venue of your choice. Our customs trainers are customs specialists with a wide experience of customs and international trade compliance issues with an emphasis on commerciality and practicality.

Customs Training | What’s the point?

Any business involved in importing or exporting goods cannot avoid involvement in customs and trade compliance issues. To many companies this means a direct cost to the business in terms of customs duties paid at import and an indirect cost of complying with customs requirements and procedures. Even a basic understanding of customs issues will equip you to make basic checks for accuracy and completeness. An increased level of knowledge will enable you to plan ahead, to minimise costs and structure your business in the most cost-efficient manner. You will also be better able to identify potential problem areas early and formulate strategies to deal with them before they become significant difficulties. Finally, a commitment to customs training provides a demonstrable commitment to customs and global trade compliance.

It is of note that under The Union Customs Code (UCC) which came into force on 1st May 2016, all companies involved in the international movement of goods should have informed, knowledgeable and professional employees who are able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in customs procedures and the impact they have on businesses. Customs training is key to ensuring staff meet these new requirements.

In a fast-changing environment for many Customs administrations, but also for many Customs professionals in the private sector, there is a need for investment in their human capital. The WCO Customs in the 21stCentury strategy document identifies the need for a professional, knowledge-based and customer-oriented culture where training and organisational culture serve to support efficient and pro-active staff competencies.